So, I spent the past two days in Cheyenne at a literacy conference at the community college. Friday was a learning experience complete with writing exercises. Saturday I met three ladies who are good contacts. Two are interested in being in a writer's group and the other is a adjunct prof there with good connections in town. Very nice.
While listening to the authors give readings was enjoyable - hearing what they wrote with their inflections makes it sound more believable than merely reading the words yourself - I have to say it made me feel they were a tad full of themselves. Probably not so, well with two of them. But there were extenuating circumstances for the other one. She was coming off a recent loss and so in the moments she was not at the podium she was a bit aloof. I will cut her some slack.
Through this experience and one via email where I inquired as to how to contact a writer, I have learned a few things about writing.
First, I am not sure what I write will be readable by just anyone. Some stuff is just better off not shared.
Second, if I am not willing to hurt people or at least apologize before something goes to publication there is no point in my trying to be published.
Third, it is possible to write and then revise to hide what could hurt someone. But am I willing to do that? Part of me - the evil, bitter part wants to just toss all the dirty laundry out there and let someone else deal with it. Let the dung hit the oscillating motor. Some people deserve it. That is not how I want to live though.
Fourth, if by some wonderful happenstance I get a book finished, polished, apologized over, in print and in front of readers I feel strongly that though I will need to protect my privacy, I must also allow readers into my world. If someone writes me, I feel I should in some way acknowledge it. I know authors get so well-known and well-liked that they can't possibly respond to everyone, but when you get that good, you can hire someone to help with that. And they can forward on to you those letters, notes, whatever that seems in need of a more personal response. That means whoever is the gatekeeper will have to share my heart. That is a lot of trust.
Fifth, if I am ever in a situation where people buy my book and want an autograph I will thank them sincerely. I may even, on the chance I am having a not so good day, admit it so they don't think I am a snob in a snit. Readers are important people. Without them beyond the experience of having written a book, there is no value in having done so. Dust-catcher hardly seems worthy of the many hours spent constructing sentences.
I am getting ready for National Novel Writing Month. I will admit to cheating a little. I am keeping my hours over this month. The actual month is November but I will have company that month and don't think it is very nice to abandon them in my off work hours to write. I might do some but not what I should to get me word count in. So I will log my hours and try to get it done in 30 days this month and then submit it in November. Maybe write until they come and then finish the last week of November after they have gone. Good plan. Glad I thought of it just now.
See what writing things down will do for you?
The next trick is to write. If I don't let you read it don't be surprised or upset. there is probably a reason. Maybe as simple as I don't want to share. Maybe as complex as you just don't need to know that.
I have 4,700 words today. whew