I beat the odds today.
I made a list of stuff I needed to do, with only one being negotiable. As of this moment I have crossed off all but the negotiable one.
I did laundry, dishes, finished arranging the living room, and wrote for two hours. Got in over 3,000 words. I also wrote down all I have eaten, drank a boatload of water (trying to sink the boat, ha, ha) and wrote my early morning three pages.
That morning stuff is hard. It is three pages, handwritten of whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it takes no time at all, others I just write the same word over and over again. When I die they will find the dumb thing and wonder where my brain was!
I have already made a list of stuff to do tomorrow, adding two new things, actually three if you count going for a walk and that does count, to what I usually do on a Sunday.
I am going to try to go the Defenders of the Wall prayer group before the morning service starts. I think it will be good.
I have a pretty decent week planned if I beat the odds and stick with the plan. I will be interviewing the woman responsible for the Women of Worship in Cheyenne. Linda Dillow will be the keynote speaker and Shannon Wexelburg will be leading worship. Love them both so I am looking forward to covering the conference.
Part of beating the odds for me right now is in goal-setting and goal-tending. I have a few set - get the house in order before I leave for Ohio, lose enough weight before the trip so I am not so uncomfortable in the seat and can fasten the seat belt (wow, brave throwing that up on a blog), write in the morning journal each morning, keep my food journal, walk 30 minutes every day, write two hours every day, read my Bible every day.
Tending those goals will be hard for me. I was good at it when I first moved to Wyoming, then got very free with my tainted version of freedom - you know, I can do what I want when I want and no one can stop me. That is so wrong! Freedom includes responsibility to not overeat, over indulge in television, move about the planet for exercise. They say freedom comes at a price, usually a high one. My warped version cost me the use of my body, my lungs, my knees, my attitude, my mental health.
So, on this path I must now put up road blocks, whereby I can beat the odds. I need to get healthy in all manner of ways and show that old free will who's the boss!
I just thought of a good verse that goes well with this 1 John 4:4 "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." Certainly God is greater in me than satan is in my world. God wants me healthy and productive, satan wants me dead and that is certainly not productive.
What say? You willing to try beating the odds in your life? What struggles are you dealing with? Set your goals and start tending them. God is on your side and He is greater than anything that stands in our way!
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